Advent: Suddenly

“Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’” (Luke 2:11–14).
God wanted to make sure the world knew that his son had arrived. The long anticipated saviour of the world was heralded by a multitude of heavenly host who could not help but praise God and point the gaze of all to do the same. Jesus came to display the Glory of God. The angels declare this truth and announce peace on earth to those who belong to God.
All things exist to give glory to God – so when the new era in salvation history began – it was to be God who would be acknowledged, thanked and glorified.
As you approach Christmas consider how your life could be used for God’s glory and pleasure and your own incredible joy in such a way that even those around you give glory to God. Maybe your life is not only about you but in fact about the glory of God and his renown. Invite God to get the glory in all of your life and see where He leads you. 


Advent: Prepare


Advent: The coming Shepherd.