Advent: The coming Shepherd.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Psalm 23:1-3

Sheep are known for their simplicity and weakness in the face of danger. Being a shepherd was not considered a good profession – it was for those people who did not make it in any other area of life. Yet Jesus chooses to be called a shepherd – one who will look after a flock and tend to it gently.

Christmas means that the sheep who were once wandering aimlessly and in danger are now instead given all they want, allowed to lie down in a field of lush green grass with still waters nearby. In such a place of rest and plenty they are restored and made strong. God’s people are led in right paths not just so that they receive the comfort and rest but so that God’s name might be glorified. When we throw off our independence, striving and boasting in our own abilities or strengths and instead trust in a gentle Shepherd to provide our needs – we declare to the world whose we are. The Good Shepherd is a gift to His people – not a burden. He lifts the burdens of the flock and their resounding peace, security and joy in his protection gives glory to the name of God.

This Christmas know what it means to belong to the great Shepherd King, who not only knows your every need, but provides for you and protects you in every trial and danger. Be led beside still waters and know the joy of resting under his watchful gaze.


Advent: Suddenly


Advent: God’s Little People