Advent: Gifts and Giving

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:10-11

God does not need anything from us, nor did he need the gifts from the magi. So what were these three items for?

They did not come to bribe God, or to get something from him. No, they were an expression of an overflow of their joy in God.

When we give anything to God, or fast or pray it is not to earn his favour – we are already dearly loved – but more an expression that to us, from our heart, our deepest and most true desires – we love him and treasure him.

To give up something and lay hold of something far greater – someone of infinite worth is not a trivial transaction. When you lay down things and embrace the Saviour – those things have no say in your life anymore. You declare who your treasure is. Those magi were so full of joy at the coming king that they gladly laid down their wealth and gifts just to be with and see the wonder of God’s great salvation plan.

Let Christmas not be about what you get, or what you have given others to try to earn their love or to prove your love, no – let it be an expression of your joy in the completed work of God. Seek his face and rejoice in him as you fall down in worship before the only reality that matters for all eternity.


Advent: The New Covenant


Advent: Wonderful Promises